Generating Leads Online

Unless you’ve got an e-commerce / shopping cart website, the focus of your website is to generate an enquiry. From that point it is your goal to covert that lead into a sale. For general local business you don’t want to try and make the sale online, simply...

Google Maps: Where are you?

Unless you’ve been Sleeping Beauty and have been under a spell for the last year, you would have noticed that Google Maps or Google Places as it is really known, now dominates the search listings. Why is this important? Well everybody knows the higher your...

A Simple, Cool SEO Tool

Getting your meta description and title right can make not only a difference to your websites search engine optimisation, but also the likelihood of somebody clicking your link when they do a search on Google. What I’m talking about is this… Here’s a...

Do I Need a Website?

Every now and then I get somebody contacting about our web design company services. I’m asked “How much for a website?” and “Do I need a website, anyway?” The simplest way to answer that questions (and yes of course I’m biased) is,...