Google Maps for Business – Why you should have an account

Have you ever wandered around the city, wondering where certain business operations were? Have you ever looked on google maps to find out where a certain restaurant is, or perhaps even a business building? These are the many reasons why you should most definitely have...

A Website is NOT a Business

There’s a myth purported by some internet marketers that “if you build it they will come”. They teach that to be successful all you do is simply build a pretty website and by next Tuesday at 4 O’clock you’ll be a millionaire. Man I wish...

Word of Mouth Marketing Vs Internet Marketing

I’ve got to say I feel sorry for business owners who say that they don’t market their business because they rely on on word of mouth. Firstly word of mouth marketing IS a form of marketing. Unfortunately even those using that form of marketing do not have...

Do I Need a Website?

Every now and then I get somebody contacting about our web design company services. I’m asked “How much for a website?” and “Do I need a website, anyway?” The simplest way to answer that questions (and yes of course I’m biased) is,...